Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Development On Female Costume

As clothing was only briefly discussed previously, since we have come up with more ideas. The female character is going to have the separate costumes for the various scenes. The first one being simple indie look, white, floaty, lace dress covered with a denim jacket and white converse. This is simple yet relates to the genre and nature of the music and will be worn when in London Underground. The second outfit is a little more artistic and is completely imaginative, this could change on the day of shooting. It will be when the scenes of desolation are being shot, the wear will be 'out there' clothing, fishnets, leotard and killer heels are just a few of the ideas we have come up with. The third and final outfit to be worn in front of a white screen. BIG hair and extreme make-up will be used, along with bright clothing to stand out in front of the white background.

To find the outfits and outfit ideas we plan to hit the charity shops soon. First shopping trip had to be postponed due to Rachel suffering from an illness.

Something potentially like this to contrast with the white background:

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